Diploma Nursing Result 2023 (সম্পূর্ণ তালিকা) PDF Link bnmc.gov.bd BSC & Midwifery Admission Test

The results of the Nursing Admission Test of 2023 have been released in PDF format at 10 pm tonight. Those of you who participated in the Nursing and Midwifery Admission Test must see the results of this test. All these students who applied for admission in the four year term BSc in Nursing course and participated in the examination were given the results of this examination.

Check Nursing Admission Result 2023

Nursing Result 2023

Even those students who applied for admission in the Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery Admission Examination for a three year term course and completed the examination by properly participating in the examination are also given the results of the examination today. So today you will see the results of the test and by looking at this you will be sure that your success has been confirmed by participating in the nursing admission test.

www.bnmc.gov.bd result 2023 PDF

As far as we know, after the publication of the admission notification of the students for the purpose of admission in the academic year 2022-23, the download of admission tickets started online from the 12th of May. Students take part in the admission test on the 20th of May and this test is held before their noon i.e. from 10 am to 11 am.

Diploma Nursing Result 2023 Merit & Waiting List PDF

সম্পূর্ণ মেধা ও অপেক্ষমান তালিকা ডাউনলোড


Students are given a written multiple choice question of 100 marks in this test and in this case they are asked questions on science in some areas including Bengali, English, general knowledge and mathematics.

Authorities today released the results for those of you who have been waiting for this test for so long and are waiting for the results after the test is completed. Since the number of seats in the Nursing and Midwifery courses of the government educational institutions across the country is not very high. As far as I know, about one lakh ten thousand students across the country have applied for the examination in 2023 against a total of 1100 seats.

http://www.bnmc.gov.bd Result 2023

However, since a large number of students have competed for each seat in this test, each student will be given a chance on the basis of good marks. So comparatively all the students who have given a good test and who have the confidence to give a good test will definitely get a chance to participate in this test and they will definitely see the result and in no way miss it.

Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person, and in order to see results, you must download the PDF file provided on our website and open it through any software. If you have Adobe Acrobat software installed on your phone then you can open this pdf file and search for roll number to see what your merit list number is and which college you have been selected for.

Diploma Nursing Result 2023 Merit & Waiting List

So first of all you must download the PDF file from our website to see the results and good luck for your hard work so far.

Nursing Result Pictures

New Nursing Result Pictures Download

Result Nursing 1 Result Nursing 2 Result Nursing 3 Result Nursing 4

Result Nursing 5 Result Nursing 6 Result Nursing 7 Result Nursing 8 Result Nursing 9 Result Nursing 10 Result Nursing 11 Result Nursing 12 Result Nursing 13 Result Nursing 14 Result Nursing 15 Result Nursing 16 Result Nursing 17 Result Nursing 18 Result Nursing 19 Result Nursing 20 Result Nursing 21 Result Nursing 22 Result Nursing 23 Result Nursing 24 Result Nursing 25 Result Nursing 26 Result Nursing 27

The End 

নার্সিং ভর্তি পরীক্ষার ফলাফল ২০২১-২০২২

নার্সিং ভর্তি পরীক্ষার রেজাল্ট ২০২২ PDF

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