PSC English Suggestion 2023 100% Common

PSC English suggestion 2023 has been published. This post is about PSC English Suggestion 2023.

PSC English suggestion 2023

Psc English Suggestion 2019

PSC English Short Suggestion 2023

Psc English Short Suggestion 2019



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PSC Short Syllabus 2023 PDF

PEC Short Syllabus 2023 PDF

Mark Distribution

Subject English

Time 2 hours 30 minutes

Full marks 100


Read the text and answer the questions 1 2 3 and 4 that text will be given from the English for today class 5 book

Question number 1

Matching given words with their meaning/ fill in the blanks with the given words 5

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Question number 2

True false 6

Question number 3

Answer short questions 6 short constructed response question will be given and students will have to answer all of them.  12

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Question number 4

Short compositions (free writing or by answering a set of question related to text. Students will write at least five sentences related to the topic. Capital letters, punctuation, correct spelling and sentence structure will be marked).

Read the text and answer the question 5 6 7 and 8. The text will not be given from the book English for today class 5, but it must be of similar difficulty level for grade 5 students.

Question number 5

Fill in the blanks with the given words.

Question number 6

True false

Question number 7

Answer short questions. Five short constructed response questions will be given and students will have to answer all of them.

Question number 8

Writing a simple personal letter (clues will be given and students will have to write at least 6 sentence accordingly).

Question number 9

Making 5 WH questions from the given statements by using who, what, when, where, why, which and how. Students will make questions with the underlined words.

Question number 10

Short question using informative instructions (students will answer all the questions by understanding salt informative text to do any work).


Question number 11

Short questions/ fill in the blanks by using information related to days, month, time cardinal, and ordinal numbers in table/column and words for figures.

Question number 12

Rearrange the given words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.

Question number 13

Form fill up (students will fill up a form by using given information)

PSC English suggestion 2023


Question number 9

9 নং প্রশ্নের উত্তর

যেহেতু এই প্রশ্নটিই হুবহু কমন পাওয়া সম্ভব নয় এ প্রশ্নের জন্য কোন সাজেশন দিচ্ছি না।

তবে আমরা সাধারণ কিছু নিয়ম এখানে দিচ্ছি, যেগুলো চর্চা করলে ছাত্রের এই বিষয়ে দক্ষতা বৃদ্ধি পাবে এবং আশা করা যায় পরীক্ষাতে সকল প্রশ্নের উত্তর করতে সক্ষম হবে।

They live in a big village.

Answer. Where do they live in?

Rita gets up early in the morning.

Answer. When does Rita get up?

The doctor visited Seema last night.

Answer. Who visited Seema?

Milk is a good food.

Answer. What is a good food?

She is 10 years old.

Answer.  How old is she?

Raju is a full-time Firefighter.

Answer. Who is Raju?

He plays cricket.

Answer. What does he play?

You are 10 years old.

Answer. How old are you?

A dress maker makes dress.

Answer. Who makes dresses?

He arrived in the morning.

Answer. When did he arrive?

Seema eats fruits every day.

Answer. Who eats fruit every day?

Tamal is going to home.

Answer. Where is Tamal going?

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Question number 10

এক্ষেত্রে নির্দেশনামূলক একটি উদ্দীপক দেয়া থাকবে এবং তার ওপর ভিত্তি করে জ্ঞান অনুধাবন প্রয়োগ ভিত্তিক করে মোট তিনটি প্রশ্ন থাকবে। যার নম্বর হবে ক্রমানুযায়ী এক দুই এবং তিন।

প্রশ্নটিই এমনভাবে করা হবে যাতে ছাত্রছাত্রীরা উত্তরটি উদ্দীপকের মধ্যে খুঁজে না পাই। বরং ছাত্র-ছাত্রী তার পূর্ব জ্ঞান এর সাথে সমন্বয় করে উত্তর লিখবে। এ ক্ষেত্রে যৌক্তিক উত্তর হলে পূর্ণ নাম্বার পাবে। Example is given below.

** Read the guidelines about how to be healthy and then answer the following questions.

Guidelines to be healthy

1. Eat a balanced food

2. Sleep 8 hours a day

3. Do exercise regularly

4. Play regularly

5. Keep clean your body and clothes

6. Drink enough water


a) Which food do you eat to be healthy?

b) How much time we should sleep a day?

c) Give three advices to your younger brother to be healthy.


a. We eat a balance food to be healthy.

b. We should sleep 8 hours a day.

c. You should eat a balanced diet. Then you should take exercise regularly. Then you should keep your body and clothes clean to stay healthy.

PSC English Suggestion 2023

Question number 11

এই প্রশ্নটি তিন ভাবে হতে পারে প্রশ্নটি মান হবে 5

কোন ছকে অনুষ্ঠানসূচী বা সময় বা সংখ্যা সম্পর্কিত তথ্য দেওয়া থাকতে পারে। সেই প্রশ্ন অনুযায়ী পাঁচটি বাক্যে একটি অনুচ্ছেদ লিখতে হবে।

** Answer the following questions and use am/pm where necessary.

Question a. When do you get up?

c. When do you attend your first period?

Question d. When does your tiffin break start?

e. Does your school break up?

f. When do you return home?


a. I get up at 6 a.m.

b. I go to school at 7 a.m.

c. I attend my first period at 7:30 a.m.

d. My tiffin break starts at 8:30 a.m.

e. Our school breaks up at 11:30 a.m.

f. I return home at 12 p.m.

** Write five sentences. Describe when you do these activities. Answer the question in sentences.

What time do you get up?

Question: What time do you have breakfast?

What time do you go to school?

Question: What time do you have lunch?

What time do you take dinner?

Answer. I get up at 6:00 in the morning. I have my breakfast at 7:00 a.m. After breakfast I go to school at 10:00 a.m. I have my lunch at 2:00 p.m. I take my dinner at 9:00 p.m.

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Psc English Suggestion

Question number 12

এক্ষেত্রে অগোছালোভাবে word দেওয়া থাকবে উত্তরপত্রে শুধুমাত্র নম্বর দিয়ে ছাত্র-ছাত্রীকে এগুলো সাজিয়ে পাঁচটি অর্থপূর্ণ বাক্য লিখতে যার নম্বর হবে এক করে মোট 5.


Arrange and rewrite the following words so that they make sense.

1. a. it, goose, magic, a, was

b. are, how, you, old

c. teacher, is, a, my, father

d. hand writing, you, improve, should, your

e. school, I, primary, to, go, a


a. It was a magic goose.

b. How old are you?

c. My father is a teacher.

d. You should improve your handwriting.

e. I go to a primary school.

2. a. like, I, painting, also

b. sound, the, make, what, does

c. have, any, you, friend, do

d. find, homework, I, my, can’t

e. ready, disasters, we, for, natural, should


a. I also like painting.

b. What does the sound make?

c. Do you have any friend?

d. I cannot find my homework.

e. We should ready for natural disasters.

Conclusion of PSC English Exam Suggestion

This exclusive PSC exam Suggestion 2023 by our expert teachers. You need not run another place for collecting suggestion. Take preparation according to our suggestion. Thank you very much for reading this post. Best of luck.

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