New SSC Routine 2023 Published by Bangladesh Education Ministry [PDF Download Link]
Students who will participate in the SSC exam of 2023 will be able to collect the SSC exam routine from our website. However, you will be able to collect your examination routine only after the examination routine of the students is published by the Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
This is because if the candidates can collect the routine before the exam, then they will be able to study well before the exam and be fully prepared for the exam. So after the publication of this routine by the Ministry of Education, you can download the exam routine from our website and SSC routine will be provided on our website for the convenience of the students.
Although the examinations of the students of each year will be taken in short form due to the infection of the epidemic corona virus, the examinations of the candidates of 2023 will be taken in full. All of a sudden students have to take exams in all subjects in case of this exam. However, it is not yet known whether the students will be tested for full marks.
Since you have come to download the routine, take this routine from our website by going to the bottom. We are all aware that educational institutions were closed down in March 2020 due to an increase in Corona virus infection and since then measures have been taken against student assignments.
The students participate in it and submit the answer of the assignment to the educational institution every week. Moreover, the SSC candidates of 2023 have got ample time to study and within this time it will be very easy for them to complete their syllabus if they take help from online classes and other aspects.
In that case many students may think that it is better for them to take exams on only three subjects as the educational institution is closed. However, due to the fact that the transmission of the corona situation has returned to normal, the students will not be given that opportunity now and in this case, the students will have to take a complete test in all subjects.
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে এসএসসি পরীক্ষার রুটিন ২০২২, জেনে নিন কবে শুরু হচ্ছে এসএসসি ও সমমান পরীক্ষা
This is because by taking this medium, the students are fully assessed on merit and it is convenient to give marks. However, the examination routine of 2023 SSC candidates from the Ministry of Education has not been published yet. This routine will be uploaded on our website as soon as it is published and from there you can download it easily. However, it is hoped that the routine of SSC candidates for 2023 will be published very soon and you will not have to worry much about downloading the routine.
Old Routine
Download your routine from our website and share it with your friends and make them interested in reading by informing them about the exam. If the 2023 SSC candidates are unaware of any information related to the two exams or are particularly interested to know, they can ask questions in the comment box of our website.