JSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023 PDF

JSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023 has been published at https://suggestionquestion.com Read this post on JSC English Second Paper Suggestion 2023.

JSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023

The Junior School Certificate, also known as JSC, is a public examination taken for students in Bangladesh after successful completion of eight years of schooling. It is followed by Secondary School Certificate (SSC).

Jsc English 2Nd Paper Suggestion 2019

JSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023 Section A: Grammar (30 Marks)

Question Number 1. Gap filling activities (Use of Articles) 0.5*6=3

Question Number 2. Gap filling activities (Use of Prepositions) 0.5*6=3

Number 3. Substitution Table 1*4=4


Question Number 4. Narrative style (Direct to Indirect and vice versa) 1*4=4

Question Number 5. Changing Sentences 1*5=5

JSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023

Question No 5. Changing Sentences

1. The Bee is a very industrious insect. /negative

Very few insects are as industrious as the Bee. /comparative

It flies from flower to flower to collect honey.


It works only in winter. /negative

We should follow the life of a bee. /passive

2. Our school is one of the most famous schools in this district. /comparative

The students are very obedient. /negative

The teachers teach carefully. /passive

Our school building looks very beautiful.


We are proud of our school. /interrogative

3. Books are the best companion to the people. /positive

Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. /passive

The habit of reading books should be formed by us. /active

A book never leaves us in times of danger. /interrogative

A book always does good to us. /negative

4. A mobile set is light to carry. /interrogative

It is not expensive. /affirmative


Only a weak person uses it for Evil purpose. /negative

It is used for different purposes active no other thing is as useful as a mobile set. /superlative

5. Kazi Nazrul Islam is one of the greatest poets in Bengali literature. /positive

He is known as a Rebel poet. /active

He was born in a poor family. /negative

His poverty could not destroy his creative talent. /passive

His writings are very encouraging. /interrogative

Changing Sentences 6-12

6. Email is more useful than all other invention in our modern communication system. /superlative

Who don’t know this? /affirmative

It is a very easy system to operate. /exclamatory

It takes only a few seconds to transmit a message. /negative

Now people use it commercially. /passive

7. Bangladesh is a very beautiful country. /exclamatory

It has a small land area. /negative

It is one of the most populous countries in the world. /positive

We face many problems due to overpopulation. /passive

Cannot we overcome this problem? /assertive

8. Cox’s Bazar sea beach is the longest sea beach in the world. /positive

Many people come to visit this sea beach every year. /interrogative

They enjoy the beauty of nature. /passive

Many photographs are taken by them. /active

Everybody likes it. /negative

9. Mohsin is one of the most brilliant students in his class. /positive

He is very attentive to his studies. /negative

He goes to school regularly. /interrogative

Everybody loves him very much. /passive

He is never late to go to school. /affirmative

10. Book is the best of all friends /comparative

We all should read books. /passive

A book delights us. /interrogative

Who does not like a book? /assertive

It is a very valuable thing. /exclamatory


11. We must read books to gain knowledge /negative

Book introduce as to the realm of knowledge /passive

The books of great writers contain Noble thoughts and great ideas /interrogative

Without reading books we cannot end with our mind /affirmative

Books are the greatest friends /positive

12. Walking is better than any other exercise /superlative

Everyone considered walking as an exercise is early in the morning /interrogative

It keeps our body fit for working /negative

So we should never forget this thing /passive

Good health is very valuable /exclamatory

Changing Sentences 13-18

13. The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh /comparative

It is called the river of destruction active the river is very turbulent /negative

Hit assumes a very terrible shape in the rain season/ exclamatory

Everybody knows this /interrogative

14. Ruplal lived in a small village /negative


He lived with his family /interrogative

Ruplal wanted a peaceful life /passive

The village people quarrelsome then the town people /positive

Thoughts that live in the Jungle is the most peaceful of all places /comparative.

15. Trees are our best friends /negative

Very few things are as useful as trees /superlative

They are a great source of food and vitamins /integrative

Various kinds of fruits are given by them /active

We use them for various purposes /passive

16. Cricket is a very exciting game /exclamatory

People of all ages enjoy this game /passive

At present it is one of the most popular games in our country /comparative

Everybody likes a cricketer /negative

Would that I could be a great cricketer /assertive

17. He ran the fastest of all the last Olympic Games /positive

Only he could break his own record /negative

He had to practice a lot for this /negative

He has become successful for his own effort and perseverance

Now everybody knows him /interrogative

He believes that practice makes a man /perfect

He is called a hero for his achievement /active

18. The idle only curses their fate /passive

They can improve their condition by working hard /interrogative

Everybody dislikes an idle mind /negative

An ideal student is never punctual to attend his classes /affirmative

And industrial student is better than an ideal student /positive

Changing Sentences 19-23

19. My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar /interrogative

I gladly accepted the invitation /passive

My friend received me cordially /interrogative

I was very glad to see the sea-beach /exclamatory

It was one of the most memorable journals in my life /positive

20. By reading books we can increase our mind /negative

Books contain Noble thoughts of great men /integrative


Some books give us immense pleasure /passive

Books are greater than any other things in the world /positive

Don’t you know about eBooks /assertive

21. A flower is a glowing gift of nature everybody likes flowers /interrogative

They are the symbol of love and beauty flowers are used on different occasions /active

The rose is the best of all flowers /positive

It is a very beautiful flowers /exclamatory

It has birth time and commercial value /negative

22. Today corruption is a very familiar time in Bangladesh /negative

Corruption is the most dreadful society /positive

In every phase of our society /interrogative

Some drastic steps have been taken against corruption /active

Social awareness is very essential corruption /interrogative

23. No other things is as useful as computer /superlative

Every student needs computer /negative

A poor student cannot buy it /interrogative

It is one of the greatest inventions of science /positive

It was not invented overnight /active

Changing Sentences 24-29

24. Mr. Jamal is the wisest man in the village /comparative

He is sincere /negative

He leads a simple life /interrogative

Nobody dislikes him formative we should follow him /passive

25. Akash is one of the most brilliant students in his class /comparative

He is very attentive to his studies /negative

He goes to school and regularly /interrogative

Who does not love him very much /assertive

He is never late to go to school /affirmative

26. Very few metals are useful as iron /superlative

It is used for construction purpose /active

Bangladesh imports iron from other countries /interrogative

It is a heavy metal /negative

There is no building without iron /affirmative

27. Everybody works hard to gain his object /negative

Life is nothing but a struggle /interrogative

Who does not want to succeed in life /assertive

Industry brings success /passive

Industry is the most important secrets for signing in life /positive

Jsc English 2Nd Paper Suggestion 2019

28. Cox’s Bazar is the longest sea beach in the world /positive

Thousands of people visit Cox’s Bazar every year /passive

Winter is the best season to visit Cox’s Bazar /comparative

The scenery of Cox’s Bazar is very charming /interrogative

The people of Cox’s Bazar are friendly /negative


29. On my return they asked me many questions /Complex

I answered all the questions successfully /passive

They are pleased with me none of them had any more confusion about what I did /simple

I also felt very much happy to see them pleased.

When I arrived home my mother was overwhelmed with joy to see me /simple

I was also so much emotional that I could not hold my tears.

Mother did the same /passive

For the first time I knew why people say there’s not only at the shadow full event but also at the happy events.

Changing Sentences 30-31

30. The first and foremost duty of a student is to acquire knowledge.

No other duty of a student is more important than study /superlative

They are assets to the nation /interrogative

Proper emphasis should be given on their study /active

They must be punctual, industrious and truthful /negative

A good student shouldn’t be unconscious of politics /affirmative

31. I like the poems of Kazi Nazrul Islam very much /negative

Bidrohi is one of his most famous poems /positive

I have committed the poem to memory voice I have also that many other poems written by him /interrogative

His songs are also very popular /exclamatory

Jsc English 2Nd Paper Suggestion 2019

JSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023

Question No 6. Capitalization and punctuation

1. Once some persons are going to Baghdad from jilan Baghdad was far away from jilan a women came to the merchants with her son she said to them my son will go to Baghdad to study will you take him with you

2. What’s the time by your watch he said it is 9:30 I replied I want to go to school he said would you accompany me please no I am sorry

3. Alexander the great was the king of Macedonia he was the son of Philip a mighty king of Sparta he invaded India about 327 years before the birth of Christ on the way he defeated Porus and marched towards the Punjab

4. The man said can you give me some food I have been Starving for two days the maid said why do you beg cannot you work

5. Mustafiz said hurry up we must have to leave this horrible place now

6. What can I teach you asked Naseeruddin we don’t know replied the students

7. Mother said to her son tell me why you are wasting your time by be punctual and dutiful in your life

8. What kind of stories will you tell ask the student fables replied the teacher do you know what favours are no reply the students

9. Kamal don’t be so silly he will come soon said and if we need not wait for him he has failed to keep his words replied Kamal

Get JSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023

10. Human beings have invented many important things so far do you know who is invention is the greatest it is the wheel

11. We must eat vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of vitamins and minerals they keep our body free from diseases

12. Have you finished reading the book said Neera yes said Tani the book is very interesting

13. The T-Shirts 82 Rafiq who are you talking in the class you should behave yourself Rafiq replied sir I am sorry I am asking him to lend me his 10th my pen has run out the teacher said be attentive and I listen to my lecture

14. Give me a few grains of coins the grasshopper said to the ant

15. I have got GTA V in the examination said Samia congratulation what do you intend to do now I want to study in science group I will try to get GTA V again in the SSC examination Samia replied question

Capitalization and punctuation 16-20

16. Have you got the pain said Selena yes said Salam the pen is very interesting

17. Man is the greatest creation of almighty as he is very kind to us we should be grateful to him

18. Haven’t you heard the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam very few poets in Bengali literature are as famous as Nazrul Islam nozrul writings are full of hope and aspirations

19. Do you think it is easy to pass English said Musa no said Rana but why are you so careless of English I don’t feel interested in the subject oh I see

Capitalization and punctuation 20-32

20. What is the time by your watch said he said it is 9:30 I replied I want to go to college he said

21. Father said to his son why are you making so let go to school now no I am not going to school today I feel dizzy said his son

22. Hello old lady said the princess what are you doing I am spinning a yarn around the spindle replied the old woman The Princess curiously said how interesting it would be if you let me have to go

23. The teacher said to Kamal why are you talking in the class you should be have yourself Kamal replied sir I am sorry I am asking know him to lend me his pen

24. Shamim said yo Karim I went to your house yesterday but did not find you where did you go

25. one day a farmer took some sacks of wheat to a mile the mill was far away on the way the heart stumbled and one of the sack feel on the ground.

26. The park is beautiful but daddy everybody likes to go there so we should keep it neat and clean

27. My friend said to me why are you sitting alone in your room at this hour don’t you see that the sky is clear

28. Where are you right now when I had of an accident in your office I got Orange shade father Oh I see I am now safe in my office don’t worry set the son

29. William Shakespeare the monarch of English literature was born on April 26 1564 in stratford upon Avon his mother was Mary Hardin and his father was John Shakespeare

30. She in a very sweet voice comes let’s eat drink and be merry

31. Samina is in class 7 and Arif in class 6 in the small town of Sherpur farmer had come with all its warmth Samina and Arif had nothing to do

32. Once I asked a little girl what is your mother’s name she replied cleverly I know my mother name but I won’t tell you that I said what a clever girl you are you may prosper in life

JSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023 PDF

Question Number 7. Use of Suffixes & Prefixes 0.5*8=4

Question Number 8. Right Form of Verbs 0.5*8=4

Section B: Composition (20 Marks)

Question No 9. Writing Formal Emails or Letters

Email Writing

Email to a friend on annual sports day at your school in which you participated

Write an email to your pen friend inviting him to visit your country

Send a letter of advice to your younger brother by using his email address to be regular in his studies

Email to a friend inviting to attend the picnic

To your pen friend telling her how you have arrange your birthday party

Email to a friend thanking for nice birthday gift

Write an email to a friend about your preparation for JSC examination

Email to a friend describing your aim in life

Email to a friend congratulation on brilliant success in SSC exam

Your father through email how you have done in the last examination

Email to a friend thanking him/her for hospitality

Email to a friend inviting to spend summer vacation in your village

To your father asking for some money

Email to your friend inviting to join the marriage ceremony of your sister

Email to a pen-friend about the natural beauty of Bangladesh

Download JSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023

Writing Formal letters

Request for a seat in the school hostel

Prayer for permission to go on a study tour

Request for a transfer certificate as your father transferred

Request for opening a canteen

Setting up a common room

Request for increasing common room facilities

Request for setting up a computer club

Buying books for school library

Request for arranging a reading room

Dilip materials and sending medical team for flood affected people

Request for sinking an arsenic free tube well

Request to set up an English language club

JSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023 Download Link

Question No 10. Writing compositions

My favorite hobby

My favorite game/ the game I like most/ the game of Cricket

The role of newspaper in modern life

The season you like best

My future plan of life/ my aim in life

Wonders of modern science

Duties of a student

Journey by train/ I have recently enjoyed

Importance of reading newspaper

Floods in Bangladesh

My first day at school

The rainy season in Bangladesh

A village doctor

A village fair

Physical exercise

Tree plantation

Childhood memories

A journey by boat

This suggestion is for students who want to do better in their JSC Examination 2023.

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