BTEB Routine 2023 PDF Download Diploma in Engineering Exam
A routine has been published by the Bangladesh Technical Education Board. The Bangladesh Board of Technical Education has published this routine for the regular candidates of the first, third, fifth and seventh semesters of Diploma in Engineering.
All the candidates who are candidates for the above mentioned episodes will take a look at this routine and prepare for the exam. Moreover, all the candidates who have failed in the fourth and sixth rounds have to follow the way routine.
So take a look at the examination routine of the first to seventh part of the Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality course and the unsuccessful subjects of the fourth and sixth part and prepare accordingly. Moreover this test routine is going to be downloaded in PDF file format from our website.
In the following PDF file you will be able to know the subject code along with the examination date and examination subject of each episode. So go to the bottom of our website and find out the exam dates for various courses of Diploma in Engineering from there. You can benefit a lot from this.
The routine test will start from 8th November. The test will start from 10 am. So before you start this exam, those of you who are candidates for the fifth episode should start preparing first. Because with the start of the fifth episode test, the 2020 test is going to start earlier. Moreover, the examinations for the fourth and sixth episodes will start from two in the afternoon on the same day.
So first of all you should look at the routine and see when the examination of which course of the students is going to be held. This will allow you to be more confident and get better results by preparing for the exam and participating in the exam.
Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Routine 2023
Examination routine of Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality has been published. Candidates who are in the first, third, fifth and seventh phases of the Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality course will find the examination routines of different phases on our website.
Mohammad Abul Shahin Kausar, Deputy Controller of Examinations, Bangladesh Technical Education Board, signed the notification to publish the routine and confirmed that the examinations of the candidates would start soon.
Therefore, this examination of 2023 is going to start with the commencement of the fifth phase of the Hospitality and Tourism Examination of Diploma in Engineering. Those of you who are candidates will separate the subjects according to the routine of different episodes and make sure which exam will be held at what time of the mentioned day.
Diploma in Makeup Routine 2023
Candidates who have makeup subjects in their Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality curriculum will find out on what date your exam is going to be held if they follow the routine as per the code of the mentioned subject. So since the routine plays a helpful role in taking the exam and plays an important role in preparing the students, you should download the routine and start preparing for the exam on November 8. Routinely you will know the date and time of the practical test.
ডিপ্লোমা ইন ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং এর ১ম, ৩য়, ৫ম ও ৭ম পর্বের পরীক্ষার রুটিন