www ntrca.teletalk.com bd Result 17th Preliminary Result Check Link 2023
The results of the 17th Teacher Registration Examination which was conducted at the end of December has finally been declared today on February 12th. Candidates who cleared the prelims must check their roll number and by checking the roll number you will know that you have been selected for the written test. So the results of the preliminary examination accepted by the private teacher registration and certification authority are provided today on our website and you can prepare for the written examination through me.
If anyone wants to know any kind of updated information about this 17th teacher registration exam or if anyone has any confusion and question about it, then definitely comment in the comment box and we will try to give you the correct answer.
www ntrca.teletalk.com bd result 17th
Appointments are made subject to the availability of vacant posts in various educational institutions at the school level and college level across the country through the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority. So when you are going to become a teacher and if your subject is very good in being a subject teacher then definitely apply as per eligibility in this massive recruitment notification of Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority.
As per the circular released in 2020 as per the circular published in 2020 those who completed honors or completed masters were given the opportunity to apply, many applied and the 17th teacher registration exam was finally accepted.
After taking this exam at school level on 30th of December and college level on 31st, the evaluation of answer sheets is going on and it takes some time to evaluate the answer sheets as lakhs of candidates from all over the country are participating in this exam. Finally this result accepted by Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority is finally released and you can download the pdf file which you will get on our website to check this result. As the PDF file size is given based on the roll number of these results, you must find your roll number and we have told you many rules earlier to find the roll number.
ntrca.teletalk.com bd result Check Link
17 তম শিক্ষক নিবন্ধনের রেজাল্ট দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন
According to the recruitment circular, in the examination which is conducted, students usually answer the questions of Bengali English Mathematics and General Knowledge subjects. In this examination of 80 marks, all the students who get the highest marks from all over the country will be able to get a place through merit scholarship and those who applied based on Kota will also be given an opportunity. So as the result of this examination accepted by Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority has finally been provided, we have saved it for you in the form of PDF file and uploaded it so that you can download and view the result.
The result of this exam was published today on February 22 at 8:00 PM and many people cannot download the result by visiting the official website of the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority and the results are provided on our website. Apart from wishing all the best to the candidates who cleared the preliminary exam, you should now continue to study regularly so that you can clear the written exam and get a place in the merit list.
When you are able to clear this exam and clear the viva exam starting from written, then if you can get place in the merit list then you will be appointed by providing educational institution choice as per public notification.