NTRCA Result 2023 Today www ntrca.teletalk.com bd result 17th শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন প্রিলিমিনারি রেজাল্ট
As per the circular 2020 published by the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority, the examination was conducted in the month of December 2022 for those who applied at school level and college level across the country. Finally, the authority has released the result after completing the evaluation of the answer sheet, those of you who are waiting for the result must check the result and in order to see the result you have to download it in the form of PDF file.
You will find the roll number according to the serial of the roll number in the PDF file and if you know or find your roll number here then understand that you have been selected for the written exam and in this case you have to prepare.
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17th NTRCA Result 2023 PDF Link
In addition to conducting recruitment circulars under government management, the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority takes all the recruitment activities starting from the recruitment circulars to appoint subject-based teachers in various private educational institutions. In addition to enrolling MPOs and non-MPOs in private educational institutions across the country.
www ntrca.teletalk.com bd result 17th
Various fields provide placement so that a teacher can spread the light of knowledge in the students by imparting education here. After completing your graduation as an educated person, when you want to spread the light of your education to others or you think that teaching profession is great, then you must spread your inner light to others and spread the knowledge of education to everyone.
Various recruitment circulars have been published by the Private Teacher Registration and Certification Authority at various times, but as per the latest update, the 17th Teacher Registration Exam is held at the end of December. Often lakhs of students across the country can participate in this exam and as the department wise exam is conducted, the candidates come to the departmental level on certain days and complete this exam.
17th NTRCA Result 2023 Published Now
17th Ntrca Preliminary Result 2023
Preliminary examination is conducted on general knowledge subjects starting from Bengali and the merit list is prepared for the students with the highest marks and opportunity is given for the written examination.
In this case, those who have quota will also get the opportunity, in the same way, if you can get a place in the merit list based on the marks obtained, you can participate in the written test, as well as you can participate in the viva test after passing the written test.
That is, step by step, your recruitment process will be conducted by the private teacher registration and certification authority and every time you get the mass notification, you will get the opportunity to join the specific educational institution by giving the educational institution choice. As there is a large number of teacher recruitments, it is a long term process and you will be recruited through GoNotification only after the vacancies are created.
How to Check NTRCA Preliminary Result Published on February 22, 2023
So if you or someone you know has participated in the exam then you can check the result and let everyone know so that everyone can prepare for the written exam later without wasting time. Since in such competitive examination unemployed people want to arrange a new employment after their unemployment, they have to give themselves a place in the merit list by playing a serious role towards studies.
ntrca.teletalk.com bd result Check Link
17 তম শিক্ষক নিবন্ধনের রেজাল্ট দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন
So download this result provided by private teacher registration and certification authority and if you find the roll number from there you will understand that you can participate in the written exam and in this case there is no option but to prepare by studying a lot.