SSC Result 2023 Kokhon Dibe Time Bangladesh
SSC Exam 2023 has ended on 23rd November. Many test takers are now waiting for the results after the end of the test and they are thinking about when they will give the result. This is because after a long period of time, the educational institution is opened and classes are taken in a limited form and within this class, the exam is taken on the short questions of the 2023 SSC candidates.
Since the test has been taken, the results will be published and the students are not sure about the results. For that purpose, the only question in their minds now is when will the SSC result 2023 be given. Today, important information about SSC Exam 2023 has been brought to our website and you can read this post from beginning to end if you want.
The SSC exam of 2023 did not start in February. However, in last year’s SSC exams, auto passes were given and through auto passes, students got very good results and many got bad results. However, the SSC examination was taken in 2023 and in this case the examination was taken according to the category of the students. That is, the students of the science department are tested on the subjects of biology, physics, chemistry and higher mathematics.
In the same way students of other departments started taking exams on the subject of their department and the type of questions for this exam was different and the marks were less. Science students have to answer twelve multiple choice questions and two creative questions and Humanities and Commerce students have to answer 15 multiple choice questions and three creative questions. However, the number of creative and multiple choice questions was less as the science students had practical subjects.
SSC Result 2023 Marksheet with Number
Exams are taken on this number and students are given marks on the merits of the assignment and a total of 100 marks are taken. Moreover, due to the reopening of the educational institution after a long time, the students did not have a very good preparation for the exams and due to this lack of preparation, the students took limited number of exams. Moreover, every year a total of 100 marks are taken for the SSC examination by answering multiple choice and creative questions. But in 2023 SSC exam 1 hour 30 minutes is taken and in this case the exam number is very low.
Eventually the students appeared at the examination center following the hygiene rules and many students were absent in this examination. Moreover, after a long time, as the students participated in the test, they had many questions in their minds about what the test would be like. Those who studied at home during the lockdown answered the questions very well in the exam and all the students who did not study well due to laziness failed the exam very well.
Eventually the student’s exams are over and they are sitting there eager for results. However, the Department of Secondary and Higher Education has not yet confirmed when the results of the students’ exams will be released. Each year the SSC provides results within three months of taking the exam. But this year it will not take much time to evaluate the test book due to taking one hour thirty minutes and less marks and the results will be released very soon.