SSC Result 2023 by SMS All Board Message Format
Important information about SSC Exam Result is discussed in our website. Although we have made other posts on our website about the rules to check the result by checking the website for free, now through this post we will provide information specifically for those who want to check the result through SMS. While checking SSC exam results many times it is seen that internet connection is not available in remote areas.
So you can use the medium of SMS to see the results at a fast speed and I will give you an idea about how you can see the result of any education board through SMS. Check Rajshahi, Dhaka, Sylhet, Barisal, Mymensingh, Chittagong, Dinajpur, Comilla and Jessore Education Board SSC Result 2023. Moreover, you can check Madrasa and Technical Education Board SSC Exam Result 2023 from our website.
SSC Result 2023 by SMS
So after publishing the result, without looking at the internet connection, you will get the opportunity to check the result from any place by spending the prescribed amount of charges through SMS. For you, we have mentioned the rules of checking the website with the marksheet in various posts of our website, but through this post, try to tell how to check the result only through SMS. It is important for everyone to follow these rules when you are eager to see the results.
We are all aware that due to the pandemic coronavirus infection, students have been deprived of the opportunity to attend classes in educational institutions. As Secondary School Certificate Examination plays an important role in every student’s life, you are waiting to see the result of this examination and have given the examination very hard. To check the results of the exam, the Department of Secondary and Higher Education released a notice that the results will be released on 28th at around 12 noon. Finally the result was released in the presence of the Education Minister and many important persons of the Ministry of Education.
Mobile SMS System For All Boards
We all know that several changes have been made regarding taking the SSC exam 2023. Regarding the duration of the examination, the examination has been conducted for two hours instead of three hours and instead of 100 marks, the examination has been carried for 50 marks. Moreover, except for Information and Communication Technology and Religion subjects, all other subjects have been tested and these subjects will be added to the JSC exam results. So, you can visit the official website of Education Board Result and check the results completely free of charge, as well as you can check the results at the fastest speed through SMS.
When you want to check the result through sms I suggest you learn English spelling of your education board well. Moreover, in order to see the result, the balance of the mobile phone must be kept and the roll number must be memorized. Now when you are thinking to check the result then go to the message option of the mobile phone and first mention SSC as your exam name. After mentioning the SSC first three letters of the English spelling of the education board from which you appeared in the examination should be neatly typed. Each entry of information should be spaced one cell at a time and moved to the next cell.
Go to the next step and write your exam roll number correctly and write 2023 instead of exam year. That is, on the basis of the information that you have provided, till now (SSC DHA Roll Number 2023) the demo has stood like this. And in this way you have to type 16222 number to send your written SMS and send the SMS from the designated SIM.
In this way, if you send an SMS, you will get a reply within a few minutes and you can also know the student’s name in which subject he/she has got a grade. Then understand how to see the result through SMS and those who are Vocational students will write the first three letters of technical spelling. And those who are Madrasa students and Dakhil candidates will write the first three letters of the Madrasa spelling and send SMS by typing.