RU B Unit Question Solution 2023 Humanities Group Rajshahi University Admission Test MCQ Exam

The solution of all the questions of the admission test takers who participated in the 2022-23 academic year of Rajshahi University is available on our website. However, through this post in particular, you will get a simple and accurate solution to the question of admission test of B unit of Rajshahi University. Those who participated in the admission test of different groups of Rajshahi University on October 6, 2021 will get the solution of the question from our website today.

So those who have finished the exam and after taking the exam think that any of the prescribed questions may be wrong, check the correct answers to all the questions from our website and check for yourself how many marks can come in your exam. So go to the bottom of our website to get the B unit questions solved.

Rajshahi University Admission Question

Rajshahi University is a reputed educational institution and a large educational institution in the northern part of the country. Every year students are admitted to different faculties through Rajshahi University Admission Test. Moreover, like other universities, Rajshahi University has the opportunity to take the exam for the second time. However, in 2021, there is no opportunity to take the exam for the second time in Rajshahi University.

All the candidates who are going to participate in the admission test of Rajshahi University are participating in this test for the first time. Admission test of Rajshahi University started on 4th October but B unit test was held on 6th October in different groups. We have solved the questions of other units but we have solved the questions of B unit at the end of all. Because the B unit test was held at the end of all.

RU B Unit Question Solution 2022 Today

The number of seats in B unit of Rajshahi University is 470. A student will have the opportunity to graduate in all the subjects covered by the Institute of Business Studies. To do this graduation they have to participate in the admission test and by answering the multiple choice and written test they get the prescribed marks. Usually those who have managed to get higher marks by participating in the admission test will definitely have a chance.

RU Question Solution 2022

So, whether you participated in the Rajshahi University Admission Test and did not pass the exam as you did, you should look at the solution of the question and see the solution of that question and make sure how many marks you can get in the test. In yesterday’s exam, many students said that they will get above 60 marks in the exam.

Correct Answer of B Unit Admission MCQ Exam

But you will calculate 4 or 5 less than the number you will get. If your B unit admission test score is above 70 then you will have a chance. Because the number of seats is less and the number of candidates is more, it will be a bit difficult to get a chance.294780194 5295364720546531 5112404622943055790 N 294971986 583541586829001 5441239897692587475 N 295113390 3296276593977912 8624296124166659412 N 295317114 473592487938605 3248410656194495080 N

295399906 1007609059921105 7936439075862088359 N 295414096 1240081260163051 2958057783024233331 N 1 295414096 1240081260163051 2958057783024233331 N 295430967 728327145108006 7855574227210085099 N 296157900 432082982299761 1384201525613417764 N

In the admission test of B unit of Rajshahi University, more questions have been asked from English, Bengali and general knowledge. However, it has become easier to answer the questions of those who are more proficient in English to get a chance in the admission test of B unit. This is because all the subjects of the Institute of Business Studies are taught in English.

Right Answer of B Unit Admission Written Test Exam

That is why it will take more time to get a chance in English skill B unit. So those who have answered the English questions correctly in the B unit exam as well as have done well in the written exam will get a chance.

Every year we solve the questions of Rajshahi University as well as provide the results of all the units. If you want to know any unknown information of all the units of Rajshahi University, let us know in the comment box of our website. Before that, you should look at the solution of the question and find out how many marks you can get in the exam. Before that, check which question you answered incorrectly and which question you answered correctly.

244035452 300338601901498 250271477156732646 N 244620420 1650471291951711 8476930800788811631 N

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