PSC Scholarship Result 2023 Published Talent Pool & General All Districts
The result of the primary scholarship examination, which was conducted in 2022 instead of the primary education final examination, was announced on February 28, but was later postponed. That is, the scholarship result that you have received will be changed due to the postponement of the scholarship result and this result will be given to you on March 1 following the new rules as before.
So, for your convenience, we can check the results of the 5th class scholarship exam from this post. As the full revised scholarship exam result is finally provided to you, you can see which students have been selected for the circle and in which grade they have been awarded the scholarship.
PSC Scholarship Result 2023 Published Result 2023 PDF
According to the notice issued by the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, we have given you the correct idea about how or when the scholarship examination will be conducted in 2022. Although it was announced that the examination will not be conducted, later the decision was changed and we came to know that the scholarship examination will be conducted on the 30th of December. So many students from all over the country participate in the exam and as per the rules of the education board, twenty percent students of each classroom will get a chance to participate.
By following all these rules, students get the opportunity to participate in this scholarship exam and after being assured that the exam will be conducted in the first week of December, they are eager to prepare for their exam within a month. However, in this examination, instead of preparing a question paper of 100 marks for each subject, a total of four subjects of 100 marks are taken. That is to say, starting from Bengali, English and Maths tests were taken, and general knowledge was taken for a total of 100 marks, and the work of evaluating the answer sheets of the students was ongoing for a long time.
We have tried to provide accurate information to those of you who came to know about preliminary scholarship results or when to know when it will be awarded. As announced by the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, we were able to inform you that the results of this scholarship will be published between 25th and 28th of February.
Finally ending all kind of waiting the result of this scholarship published on their official website on 28 February at 12:30 PM and can check upazila wise exam result as per pdf file. After seeing the results we realized that about 82 thousand students have passed by getting merit scholarship and general scholarship.
However, after receiving the result of the scholarship, even though there was a smile on the face of many people, suddenly the final result of this exam was postponed and the result that you got on 28th of February was cancelled, and the result will be published on 1st of March on a completely new basis. According to that continuity, scholarship results are provided on our website for you so that you can know which student has got scholarship in which grade.
You have done very well to follow this post here to know this scholarship exam result and based on the information we have provided you can know the revised scholarship result or update news related to scholarship.