HSC History 1st Paper MCQ Question Solution 2021 Published Today by Dhaka Board
Today, December 9, 2021, the first paper examination of the history of HSC candidates was held. Many students from all over Bangladesh participated in this test and after the test they expressed interest to see the solution of the first paper question of history. So on our website history has been given with the solution of the first paper question and from the solution of this question you will be able to see how many of the answers given by you in the test center will be correct.
HSC Itihas/Etihas Question Solution 2021
So those of you who have participated in the history first paper exam from the humanities department, first look at the solution of the question from our website and by looking at the solution of the question, you will understand how this exam has been for you today. Then you can prepare yourself more for the next test.
The HSC examination of 2021 starts from 2nd of December and according to the routine, today, 9th of December, the first paper of history including history and culture of Islam is held in the humanities department. Every year many students from all over Bangladesh take the subject of history as an optional subject for the humanities department. So today the Department of Secondary and Higher Education routinely took this test. The test is held from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. In the first 15 minutes of the test, students have to answer 15 out of 30 multiple choice questions.
Many students are struggling to answer this multiple choice question. Due to the closure of educational institutions for a long time and the laziness of the students, many of them could not answer all the correct questions. Students are worried about the test results and they are constantly wondering if all their questions have been answered correctly. So in order to overcome the dilemma that students have, the solution to the question of 2021 history first paper has been provided on our website.
You see the solution to this question and you have an idea of how many marks you can get in the test. If the test is good then start preparing better for the next test. Since you have time to prepare before each exam, prepare yourself thoroughly for these few days and participate in the exam. For students of all departments of 2021, the solution of questions is being provided regularly on our website.
So no matter which department you are a student of, if you have read this post, you must visit our website every day after the exam to get the solution of all the questions. The first letter in the history of our website has been provided with a very accurate solution to the question and the solution to this question is provided daily for the experienced teachers.