(উত্তর) HSC Accounting Question Solution 2021 of 2nd Paper MCQ Question Published Today

Today, the second paper examination of 2021 HSC candidates has been held. After this test, the examinees want to see the solution of the question and that is why our website has provided complete solution of this question. Accounting is a compulsory subject for students of your Commerce Department and those who have participated in HSC examinations from Commerce Department. Accounting is an important subject and through it a student finds the real success of the commerce department. So today the Accounting Second Paper Exam is held from 2pm to 3:30 pm.

This test asks for different types of math solutions and other questions. However, due to short-term preparation, many students could not fully prepare. So the test center has been answering the questions according to their preparation and now they want to know the answer to the correct question which they have prepared and given accurately.

So those of you who have answered the question in any way at the examination center and want to come home and see the correct answer to all the questions, they must go to the bottom of our website and see the solution of the multiple choice question of accounting second paper. Accounting is an important subject for the students of Commerce Department and through this accounting subject a student can solve all the major complexities of the organization including accounting.

HSC Accounting Question Solution 2021 of 2nd Paper

Through accounting, a business can keep track of all transactions and income and expenditure. There is no substitute for an accounting lesson if you want to keep a more organized account than a random one. So those who are going to build a career in other fields of bankers in the future have done a very good job by studying in the commerce department. However, the educational institutions have been closed for a long time and due to the closure of these educational institutions, the students have suffered severely in terms of education.

Although there are many types of tutorial classes available, including online classes, many students spend their time studying and spending their time lazily, wondering when the coronavirus will open. Many thought that in 2021 students would pass the next class through auto pass instead of taking HSC exam.

Since it is not possible to actually evaluate a student through auto pass, it is best to take the test and this is a good initiative of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education. However, in a short time, they did not fully prepare for the exam and somehow they participated in the exam with revision before the exam.

Many students got in trouble for answering the test questions and many left with wrong answers. So since the solution is given on our website, take a look at the solution of this question and find out how many multiple choice questions will be answered correctly in case of your 15 multiple choice questions by participating in this test.

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