(উত্তর দেখুন) GST C Unit Question Solution 2023 MCQ Exam
Today, on the first of November, the admission test of GST C unit has been held. If you have participated in the GSTC Admission Test and want to know the correct answer to a particular question at the end of the test, you can find the correct and accurate answer to each question from our website. Our website has provided the correct solution of the question paper for the candidates admitted for GST C unit. We have collected this solution from experienced teachers and arranged for you to visit.
You have come to our website to find out the answers to all the questions that you find difficult in the test center or the questions that have caused you confusion or the answers to the questions that are completely unknown to you. So if you look at the solution of GST C unit admission test questions, you will get the answers to all the questions and you will also get a rough idea about how much you can get in the test.
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Guccho Admission Question Solution
Each public university in Bangladesh conducts separate admission tests every year. But in 2021, considering the health risks of students due to the situation, a committee was formed to take a total of 20 admission tests in the country. Accordingly, units are formed according to the departments of Science, Arts and Commerce and all the students who have passed the HSC examination from that department start preparing for the examination for that unit.
Admission test of this unit and B unit of them has already been completed. So today, on the first of November, the examination of the students of C unit i.e. Commerce department is being held. In this test the question papers are prepared according to their syllabus and they have to participate in the test of multiple choice questions of 100 marks.
The test starts at 12 noon and ends at one. In this one-hour test, they answered questions on accounting, management and organization, Bengali, English and ICT. As per the rules, the examination starts like this and the candidates participate in the admission test at a total of 26 centers in the country.
C Unit Question Solve 2023
They participate in admission tests at various universities, including the country’s divisional cities, to avoid health risks. A total of 33,000 students from across the country applied for the C unit admission test. So those of you who have participated in the admission test of 2021 must see the solution of the question at the end of the test.
If you look at the solution of this question, you will understand how many of you have been right and how many have been wrong in one hundred multiple choice questions. If you look at the solution to your question, you may be able to guess how much chance you have.
Download 100% Correct Answer
Moreover, you will be able to correct your mistakes in all the admission tests that are ahead. So take a look at the solution of the question for you given on our website and find out the answer to the unknown question by looking at the solution of this question. Best wishes from our website for the unit admission candidates for the 2022-23 academic year.