Feni Govt Pilot High School Admission Result 2023 PDF Download in 2022
Today we will provide you some important information about Feni Government Pilot High School on our website. With this information you will be able to see the results including the application for admission in Feni Government Pilot High School for the purpose of admission in the new class of 2023. You are all aware that in 2023, the admission test was not being held in all the educational institutions across the country. It has been informed in the published notice that the students will be admitted to the new class through lottery instead of admission test.
So those of you who want to enroll your child or you yourself in Feni Government Pilot High School must apply online between November 25th and December 8th at 5pm. Basically you have to be sure first which class you want to be admitted in and accordingly you will also find out if Feni Government Pilot High School is admitted. Accordingly, you will be able to list this school as your choice and four more schools, including Feni Government Pilot High School, for choice.
In addition, in order to make an initial application online, the student and his / her parents have to provide important information and upload the newly taken picture of the student. After completing the initial application in this way, when you get the user ID assigned for the student, then deposit Rs. 110 as application fee in that user ID and complete the application.
Feni Govt Pilot High School Admission Result
For those who want to know the results of Feni Government Pilot High School after completing the application, keep an eye on the website of Government School Admission on 15th December to see the results. However, in order to view the results directly from the website, you need to use the user ID and PIN number. Clicking on the submit button with the user ID and PIN number will display the results in front of you and will also confirm which school the eligible students will get admission through lottery.
So if your student gets a chance to get admission in the designated school then the government school admission will provide all the information regarding the admission and each school will specify the conditions that need to be fulfilled for admission separately.
Feni Govt Pilot High School Info
Feni Government Pilot High School is a city-centered educational institution and was established in 1886. Every year this educational institution under the Comilla Board achieves good results and the interest of the students towards direct learning has gone a long way in achieving these good results. Hosne Ara Begum Madam is currently the headmistress of Feni Government Pilot High School and under her supervision the students are able to avail various facilities including tuition system.
Under his supervision about 1600 students of this educational institution are studying regularly and all these students are able to achieve good results with success in the board examinations every year. Feni Government Pilot High School is an educational institution for boys and this educational institution regularly publishes a year calendar called Lantern.
Therefore, just as this educational institution ensures the education of the students, the students are able to build their future by getting adequate learning environment by studying in this educational institution.