DU D Unit Admission Previous Year Question Bank PDF Download
Our website has given the solution of the exam questions of Dhaka University’s D unit to be held today. All the candidates who participated in the admission test of Dhaka University’s D Unit for the 2020-21 academic year will be able to see the solution of the question from our website after the test. The questions in Unit D of our website have been prepared by experienced and distinguished faculty.
So you can get an idea of how many marks you can get in the test by looking at this solution accurately and for sure. So go to the bottom of our website to see the solution of the admission test questions held in the D unit of Dhaka University.
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DU D Unit Question Solve 2022
Admission test of D unit of Dhaka University was held on 23rd October in the academic year 2020-2021. The test starts at 11 a.m. and ends at 12 p.m. By participating in the test, the candidates give the answer of 100 marks. According to their question paper, they had to answer multiple choice questions of number 60 and written questions of number 40.
-ইউনিটের নির্ভুল প্রশ্নপত্র সমাধান জুন ১১, ২০২২
In the admission test of Dhaka University, the number is above GPA. There will be a total of 20 marks based on SSC and HSC GPA and numbers will be given based on GPA number. Many test takers want to see the answer sheets of their questions and match them as soon as they finish the test.
This has been arranged on our website for that purpose. All the examinees you want to see the solution of the question, they have done well by coming to our website. Because our website is ready to provide you completely free and sure solution to the exact question. Many test takers may not forget the answers to their familiar questions while the test is being held at the test center.
Dhaka University Admission Question Answer Today October 23, 2021
In that case a test taker becomes confused and moves on with his mind-boggling answer. But when he comes out of the test center and starts thinking, he wants to see the solution to the question. Moreover, seeing the solution of the question, an examinee will have an idea about how his exam went.
For that purpose, for the convenience of the examinees, the solution of multiple choice questions of Dhaka University’s D unit has been provided on our website. By looking at the answers to the multiple choice questions you will understand how many marks you can get out of 60 marks. Moreover, since the teachers provide the numbers directly on top of the written numbers, you know very well about the quality of your writing here. So you may not get much idea about the written test number.
So without further ado, look at the solution of your previous Dhaka University Faculty of Social Sciences, i.e. D unit admission test questions, at the bottom of our website. In the 2020-21 academic year, 74 candidates are appearing for each seat of D unit for the purpose of admission in the first year of Dhaka University. Examinations of each unit of Dhaka University are being held in the departmental cities in 2020-2021 academic year.
D Unit Solve Download Link
This examination is being held mainly in the departmental universities. Therefore, the test was taken at the same time and at the same time in a total of eight centers including Dhaka University, including the campus of Dhaka University. The d unit of Dhaka University has 1570 seats. 115881 candidates from all over Bangladesh have applied for this seat.
All these candidates appear in the examination center in accordance with the hygienic rules and complete the examination. It is to be noted that although the Dhaka University examination was supposed to be held last year, it could not be accepted due to Corona situation. Although the test was supposed to be held at different times in 2021, it has been delayed due to the overall situation in the country being not normal.
Finally, for the completion of the exam, you can see the solution of the admission test of Dhaka University’s D unit from our website.