Dinajpur Zilla School Admission Result 2023 PDF Download in 2022
An admission notification has been published for admission in Dinajpur District School and according to this admission notification, the application period is till 8th December. Those of you who live in Dinajpur district and have decided to enroll your child in Dinajpur district school at the secondary level, complete the application within the stipulated time. However, in completing this application, first of all you will see the admission notification and this admission notification has been attached to our website for your convenience.
Once you have seen the admission notification, you can apply at home and if you can’t, go to the online service store and complete the admission process. All the information you need to give to be admitted is the information of the student and his / her parents.
However, in case of providing information to the student, the number of his birth registration certificate and in case of providing information to the students, the number of the national identity card must be mentioned. Moreover, after completing the admission process by uploading the newly taken picture of the student, you will get a user ID. You will have to submit the application fee of Rs.
Dinajpur Zilla School Admission Result
You have to be patient for a while to show the results of the school in Dinajpur district. This is because the Government School Admission Authority will conduct a lottery as per the admission application before 15th December and after conducting the lottery, the result will be published on 15th December. So those of you who wish to show these results go to the Government School Admissions website on the appointed day and log in with the student user ID number there.
If the student is selected in front of you in any educational institution then the result will be displayed and if not you will be able to know the detailed information from there. Moreover, if Afsana does not see the results, if they provide your user ID and PIN number on our website, we will see the results and inform you. So good luck to you from our website and pray for you to have a chance at the schools of your choice.
Dinajpur Zilla School Info
Dinajpur Zilla School is a secondary school located in Dinajpur district. This educational institution was established in 1857 AD under Dinajpur Board of Education. At present the students of class III to X are able to study regularly in this educational institution and the number of students in this educational institution is about one thousand 800.
In addition to the daily and regular study in this educational institution, various types of sports competitions are organized and the students can participate in these competitions every year according to their qualifications. Aktara Parveen Madam is the current principal of this educational institution.
He has been managing the jute system by ensuring all kinds of facilities to the students under his supervision. Many well-known and well-known students of Bangladesh have studied from educational institutions in the past. Therefore, Dinajpur Zilla School is a reputed educational institution in North Bengal of the country and by enrolling your child in this educational institution, you ensure the subject of his education.