Degree 1st Year Exam Routine Update News Today 2023 Published by

Those who are going to take the first year exam of 2023 degree have done a very good job on our website to get the information related to this exam. Because we are all aware that today all the educational institutions have been declared closed for two weeks.

In that case those who have visited our website to get such information whether the first year examination of Degree Pass and Certificate Course will be held under the National University should know the information about it and see the notice issued by the National University.

জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের চলমান পরীক্ষা সংক্ৰান্ত জরুরি নোটিশ ২০২৩ প্রকাশ। এখানে ক্লিক করে দেখে নিন

Degree 1st Year Exam New Date 2023 Declared by

Honours 4th Year Exam New Date 2023 Declared by

Many students from all over the country are studying for degree certificates and pass courses under the National University and on a regular basis they are able to achieve the results obtained by participating in the examinations starting from Form Fill up as per the announcement published by the National University.


All such notices of such activities of the National University are uploaded on the official website of the National University and from there the students are informed by passing such information to different colleges.

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Degree 1st Year Exam Hobe ki?

However, if you have internet connection and if you have an Android handset with internet connection, then you can collect this information from our website including the official website of the National University. Since you are a first year examinee of the degree, you may be wondering if your exams will continue even after the educational institution is closed for two weeks.

Degree 1st Year Exam Routine Update News Today 2023

However, no announcement has been made by the National University in this regard so far and if it is given then you can go to the bottom of our website and see whether the examination will be conducted as per the notice published by the National University or not.

ডিগ্রী প্রথম বর্ষ পরীক্ষা কি কাল হবে?

This is because if the test is taken then you have to participate in this test in accordance with the hygiene rules and if the test is not taken then the National University will give you the detailed information regarding the date of taking the test later. You should study for this exam without worrying too much or without stopping studying and if you take the exam, you will be able to participate in the exam and get good results only through this study.
NU Notice Board 2023

As a National University student you have come to get the information updated so you can know that nothing has been said to confirm whether your exam will be closed yet and if it has been said then of course we will inform you through that post.

২২ জানুয়ারী ২০২৩ তারিখের ডিগ্রী প্রথম বর্ষ পরীক্ষা কি হবে ?

However, as the degree is participating in the first year exams, many people may be afraid of what the results of the exams will be like and if the exams are stopped, their studies will be conducted in the same way.

However, since you are a student and your job is to study, by concentrating on your studies, you can participate in the exams and achieve good results. So stay tuned to our website for all the latest information from National University and thank you all for reading this post from beginning to end.