Dakhil Short Syllabus 2023 PDF Download All Subjects

Candidates who are going to take the entrance exam in 2023, but have not yet received the short syllabus of the entrance exam in hand, can now collect the short syllabus of the entrance exam from our website. If you look at this short syllabus before the exam and start studying accordingly, then it is possible to get good results in the exam.

Moreover, in order to pass the exam, you will have to download the short syllabus of the entrance exam and give the opportunity to study accordingly. So to download the entrance exam syllabus, go to the bottom of our website and collect the PDF file of the syllabus completely free from there.

Dakhil Short Syllabus PDF Download

You all know that the entrance exam is going to start soon. Many students have started preparing fully for the entrance exams. But there are some students who have no idea about the short syllabus of the entrance exam and have no worries about what to write in their exam.

So if you can download the short syllabus of the entrance exam given on our website, then preparing for the exam will be of great benefit to you. So first of all go to the bottom of our website and from there click on the option to download the syllabus and download the PDF file. If you have any problems downloading, please comment on our website.

This short syllabus was prepared by the Publications Controller of Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board on 5 February 2023. Thinking about the students, he signed the PDF file to prepare this syllabus and made it available to the students.

This syllabus is a very important subject for all the candidates of Madrasa Board of Education who are going to participate in the entrance examination of 2023. The students who are going to participate in the entrance examination in 2023 include regular students, irregular students and quality improvement students.

If all these students read the important chapters and topics on the wall of the short syllabus then it is possible to do well in the exam. If you download the Dakhil Madrasa exam from the publishers of Madrasa Education Board, you will understand which chapters of the book you need to read and which chapters you don’t need to read for your Dakhil exam.

We all know that the epidemic of Corona virus in our country was increasing day by day. So the general educational institutions and madrasa educational institutions were closed for a long time considering the health risks of the students. In this case, the Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education arranges a short syllabus and assignment for each student. In that continuity, this short syllabus has been prepared for all the students who have to program for the entrance examination of 2023 under the Madrasa Board of Education.

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This will enable the students to get an idea about the textbook before the exam and participate in the exam by participating in the class that has been arranged for them. So for your convenience, this short syllabus should be downloaded first and all the topics in the syllabus should be prepared with the help of the class teacher.


The short syllabus prepared by the Madrasa Board of Education for the entrance examination mentions important topics by chapter along with the subject code of each subject. Moreover, there are some things that you need a long time to prepare for the exam.

So this short syllabus has been prepared considering the ability and time of the students and some important chapters have been added inside the short syllabus which will be useful to you in the next class as soon as you read it. So you download the short syllabus and start preparing for the exam.

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  1. আমার বাড়ি বরিশাল ঝালকাঠি নলছিটি

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