Brahmanbaria Sabera Sobhan Govt Girls High School Admission Result 2023 PDF Download in 2022
If you want to apply for admission in Brahmanbaria Sabera Sobhan Government Girls High School in Brahmanbaria District under Comilla Board of Education, see the details of admission notice from our website. I would like to tell those who want to enroll their daughter in a designated school in Comilla that Brahmanbaria Sabera Sobhan Government High School will be a reputed educational institution and the quality of its educational institution is very good. However, every year the admission test is given to the students through admission test in Sabera Sobhan Educational Institution. In 2023, some changes have been made in the field of admission.
Under the circumstances, if students take the admission test, they will fall into many health risks and it can cause them a lot of harm. The Government School Admission Authority will conduct the admission process of students through automatic lottery instead of online admission test. So for those of you who want to be admitted in this educational institution, go to the official website of Government School Admission and fill in all the information of the student and his / her guardian correctly and complete the application accordingly.
Once the application is completed, the student will get a unique user ID, then he / she will have to deposit Rs. Then this is how you can apply for admission in Brahmanbaria Sabera Sobhan Government Girls High School 2023.
Brahmanbaria Sabera Sobhan Govt Girls High School Admission Result
Those who are waiting for the results of Brahmanbaria Branch Sobhan Government Girls High School should know that your results will be published on 15th December and Government School Admission Authority will publish the results on the scheduled day. You have to go to our official website on the appointed day to see the results and go there and see the results.
In addition, all the students who will get the opportunity for admission in Sabera Sobhan Government Girls High School will be informed of the results through SMS to their contact number. So don’t worry, look at the results within your allotted time and get admitted after completing all the admissions activities in the school.
Brahmanbaria Sabera Sobhan Govt Girls High School Info
Brahmanbaria Sabera Sobhan Government Girls High School was established in 1964 AD and at that time Abdus Sobhan Educational Institution was established. At present this educational institution is part of Comilla Board of Education and every year students from class VI to class X are able to study regularly.
Sabera Sobhan Government Girls High School currently has about 1700 students. Brahmanbaria Sabera Sobhan Government Girls High School is able to educate girls regularly and this educational institution has a sufficient number of teachers. Md. Nuruzzaman Chowdhury is currently the head teacher of the educational institution.
Apart from him, other teachers’ congregations have always been giving proper instructions to the students regarding their studies. Therefore, this educational institution established for girls is ahead of other educational institutions in terms of results every year and the number of students who get GPA in board exams every year is not less.
The campus of the city-centered educational institution has been constructed and the students are able to study regularly in dual shifts in this educational institution. So the parents located inside Brahmanbaria should pick up the admission form in this educational institution to get their children admitted to you.