BCS Result 2023 PDF Published Today Check Link bpsc.gov.bd
The result of the 45th BCS exam to be held in 2023 has been released today. So don’t delay to check the result as the authority has released this result for those candidates who appeared in BCS exam and scored well. Because after checking the results of the preliminary exam, you have to prepare for the return exam. To check the result of 45th BCS exam we suggest you to go directly below and check that the result has been published there in the form of PDF file. That is, from the PDF file, you can easily find out the roll numbers of the students or candidates who have passed the preliminary.
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www.bpsc.gov.bd BCS Result 2023
BCS is one of the job exams in the job market of Bangladesh and through this an applicant will get a chance to join the first class jobs. Subject wise there are opportunities to join education cadre as there are chances of getting cadre early in your choice list based on good results.
So as an applicant who participated in this exam after long hard work they have to appear in this exam. Because even if the 200 marks exam is held for 2 hours, you have to get at least 110 marks to pass this exam. But if you have passed by getting more number then it will be given cadre according to your preferred merit list starting from your preliminary to return and other numbers.
45th BCS Result Notice 2023 Bpsc.gov.bd
All the students who have completed the honors course in the education system of Bangladesh are given the opportunity to participate in this BCS examination. According to the current rules, you have to make this application with an application fee of 700 rupees. After paying the application fee you have to wait and attend the exam on the specified exam day to complete the exam.
Despite the published circular of 2022, those who appeared for the BCS exam have to appear for the exam on 19th May 2023. According to the exam admit card this exam is running from 10 AM to 12 PM and the candidates were waiting for the result after completing their exam.
BCS Exam 2023 Result Today
Then the Bangladesh Civil Service Commission evaluates the answer sheets of these candidates and publishes the roll number of the students who are placed in the merit list based on the cut marks or based on the question pattern.
So relatively those candidates who have given good exam or whose cut mark will be above 110 are getting chance to clear this BCS preliminary exam. Since you need to study regularly for several years to clear the preliminary exam or have written it, checking the result of this exam may fulfill the dream of many of you.
So those of you who participated in the BCS exam, download the pdf file provided by our website to see this result very quickly without delay. From there, if you find your BCS exam roll number, then you will definitely understand that you have cleared the preliminary exam. And you have to prepare for the next exam.
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So BCS exam is a dream exam for many people and through this exam you can join as first class officer in Bangladesh so you must show good performance here. So, based on this information here, check the BCS exam results and find out the roll number and understand whether you have been selected here. Also, best wishes to all the passed candidates.