BBS Question Solution 2023 Today MCQ Q Solve Download
Did you participate in the examination for the post of office assistant on 22nd as per the recruitment notification of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)? If you have participated, you can see the solution of the exam questions for the post of office assistant from our website. Since the end of the test, many test takers want to know if they have answered the question correctly or incorrectly.
For that purpose, the question of office assistant position was solved by skilled and experienced teachers on our website. You can go to the bottom of our website to see the solution to this question and make sure that you can get the number of the test.
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BBS Junior Statistical Assistant Exam 2023
The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics has issued a recruitment circular for 715 posts in 21 categories of Class III and IV. This recruitment notification was published on 12th July 2020 and a huge number of people applied from all over Bangladesh. Examinations for their other positions are held after the online application process is duly completed. Finally, on October 22, the examination for the post of office assistant was held from 10 am to 11 am. This test is taken at various test centers in Dhaka city.
Solution Download October 22, 2023
Candidates who applied for this post have to participate in the written test directly. Because through the written test they will get the number obtained and based on the number obtained they may be held viva. However, the recruitment notification mentions direct recruitment and direct recruitment may be done through written test. For that purpose a large number of applicants from all over Bangladesh came to Dhaka city and participated in the examination center on Friday 22nd October at 10 am.
BBS MCQ Question Answer 2023
At the examination center they are given question papers on Bengali, English, Mathematics and General Knowledge. By looking at this question paper, the examinees answer the questions appropriately. However, there are many examinees who cannot remember the answer to a particular question correctly or get confused.
However, since the answers to the written test questions do not usually change, the number can be counted after the test. So if you want to know how you passed the exam and how you should prepare for the next more competitive exam, you should look at the solution of the question.
BBS Question Solve October 22, 2023 (22/10/2023)
Because many times in the test center the answer to the familiar question is wrong or not remembered. If you come out of the test center and see the answer to that question, you will remember that you knew the answer to this question. But did not remember the time of need. From now on you will be more serious and concentrate on your studies. So since you participated in the test, take a look at the solution to this question.
It may be mentioned that 53 thousand 803 candidates from all over Bangladesh participated in the examination for the post of office assistant. They attend the examination center in accordance with proper hygiene rules and complete the examination. Thank you for reading us from beginning to end of this post.