Azimpur Govt Girls High School and College Admission Result 2023 PDF Download in 2022

Those who want to apply for admission in Azimpur Government Girls High School located in Azimpur area of ​​Dhaka should first look at the application for admission given at the bottom of our website. By looking at the application for admission, you will be able to know all the details related to the application in detail and by applying accordingly you will be able to participate in the admission process through lottery process.

Almost all of you are aware that the admission test will not be held in any school in Bangladesh for the purpose of admission in the new class of 2023. Students will only apply online and the authorities will conduct a lottery with them on the basis of this application.

The list of students who will get the school of their choice through lottery will be published and these results will be reviewed. The first merit list will be given to all the students who will be admitted and the second merit list will be prepared after admission subject to vacancies.

So if you want to be admitted in the new class of 2023 then apply for admission in Azimpur Government Girls High School and in this case you have till December 8th. Complete the application by entering the link of the notified website within the stipulated time and after completing the application, complete the application by depositing the application fee of Rs. 110 as the application fee in the student’s unique user ID.

Azimpur Govt Girls High School and College Admission Result

Those of you who have applied for admission in Azimpur Government Girls High School will get these results prepared by Government School Admission on 15th December. So those who are waiting for the results will be able to see the results on the scheduled day and will be able to see the results from the website where you have applied online.

To view these results, students need to login using their unique user ID and PIN number obtained via SMS. So check the results within the stipulated time and the results will be prepared in PDF file by preparing the results on the official website of all the schools where you apply. So, after seeing the results, you should help in getting the students admitted by fulfilling the conditions of admission in the prescribed school.

Azimpur Govt Girls High School and College Info

Azimpur Government Girls High School and College was established in 1957 AD and has been imparting regular lessons to the students of Azimpur area of ​​Dhaka since then. The number of students in this educational institution is high since its inception because of how the students from class VI to class XII are able to study in this educational institution.

At different times, Asha has taken the responsibility of the head teacher’s educational institution and has made many improvements in the educational institution. Besides, at present the headmistress Hosne Ara Begum Madam, under her supervision, looks after the subjects of the students regularly.

Moreover, besides launching various co-educational activities for the students, it also provides various facilities. About 2,800 students are studying in this institute regularly and about 71 teachers are teaching them regularly. In addition to giving regular lessons at this educational institution, students can play beautifully on the field.

Moreover, due to the variety of facilities and adequate number of classes, the students feel comfortable to study in this educational institution. Every year various competitive events including Bangladesh Mathematics Olympiad are organized in this educational institution for the purpose of students.