SSC 2023 Short Syllabus Published by Education Boards
Will you take the SSC exam in 2023? Then you will be surprised to know that the Department of Secondary and Higher Education has published a redesigned syllabus for your upcoming SSC exams. In other words, the authorities have published a short syllabus based on the short syllabus that you demanded to be tested. Since the exam date has been published, you do not have much time for the exam now.
So instead of taking the preparation of both the completed in a short time, you will collect a short syllabus for the examination of both English paper and Bangla second paper. Because when you can compile a short syllabus, you will be able to get a detailed idea of what to read and what not to read, and in this case, it would be best to prepare yourself.
So go to our website and download the short syllabus of your 2023 SSC exam and prepare for the exam on 19th June accordingly. We know that the short syllabus of SSC exam in 2021 has been accepted and the exam has been taken on only three subjects in their respective departments. However, changes have been made in the case of 2023 exams.
Students will be tested in all subjects except for their respective religions and for information and communication technology. However, students in the science department will not be allowed to take the test on the subject of general science for the students of Bangladesh and world identity and humanities department. Then it has been ensured that a student will not be tested on a total of four subjects.
So now you have to prepare for other subjects and from now on you are getting more than three months for this exam. If a student can make proper use of his / her time and pay attention to the topic from which the questions may come in the short syllabus then it is possible to be fully prepared during this time.
So to prepare, you will go to the bottom of our website and see how many questions will be asked from any topic of Bangla Second Paper. However, I would like to give you a little idea here that in the Bangla Second Paper Exam, students have to answer the multiple choice question of number 15 and answer the number 40 from the written part.
Students will be asked questions from grammar when answering multiple choice questions. In addition, in the English second paper examination, students have to answer the question number 30 from the grammar and they have to answer the question number 20 from the written part. Similarly, in the English first paper test, students have to answer 30 marks from the reading part and 20 marks from the writing part.
So if you want to get good results by taking proper ‘preparation’ before the exam, you can try. Moreover SSC exam results play an important role for every student so you must do well in these exam results.