Rajshahi Collegiate School Admission Lottery Result 2023 PDF Download in 2022
Rajshahi Collegiate School has maintained its position as a reputed educational institution in the heart of Rajshahi from the time of British rule till date. That is why every parent in Rajshahi district tries every year to get their children admitted in this school.
So if you want your child to be admitted in Rajshahi Collegiate School in 2022, you have to apply online and do not have to take any kind of admission test. This is because the Government School Admission will arrange a lottery based on the students applying to this school and all the students who will be selected through lottery will get the opportunity to be admitted in this school in the new class.
So if you want to enroll your child in this institution of education city, you must put this school in the list of choice first and then give the choice of other educational institutions of Rajshahi. If you want to be admitted in all other educational institutions including Rajshahi Collegiate School in 2022, you have to go to a significant website i.e. Government School Admission website and go there and apply with all the information requested by the student.
At the time of application you need to mention the student’s class and the student’s favorite school and then download the application copy by uploading the newly taken picture of your student.
After the completion of all these activities, you have to submit an application fee of Rs. You can also apply for Rajshahi Collegiate School sitting at home or by visiting any online service store. However, assure the shopkeeper that you want to put Rajshahi Collegiate School first on the list of preferences.
Rajshahi Collegiate School Admission Result
Every year thousands of students fill up the online application form for admission in Rajshahi Collegiate School and participate in this test on the campus of Rajshahi Collegiate School on the scheduled day and are nominated for admission. But the application for conducting the admission process for the year 2022 was submitted online till December 8 on the website of the Government School Admission and through this application the Government School Admission arranged a lottery.
The results of the students who are selected in this lottery can be viewed by visiting the website of Government School Admission with user ID and PIN number. Moreover, this result has been uploaded in the form of PDF file on the official website of Rajshahi Collegiate School which you can check to see if your name has been nominated in the lottery.
Rajshahi Collegiate School Info
Rajshahi Collegiate School is an ancient educational institution within Rajshahi and this educational institution was established during the British rule i.e. in 1828 AD. Every year different types of competitive examinations are organized in this educational institution and educational activities including various science fairs are conducted.
In this way students can participate in various educational activities besides text books and get the opportunity to express their talents. Moreover, the headmistress of Rajshahi Collegiate School, Nurjahan Begum Madam is always diligent about the reading of the students and she keeps an eye on the speed of reading and writing of the students every year by adopting special plans.