Medical Admission Question Solution 2023 (এইমাত্র প্রকাশিত)
Did you participate in today’s admission test for MBBS first year admission in 2022-23 academic year? If you have participated in today’s admission test, then today on our website, the solution of your test questions has been provided in a perfect way. bd MBBS Result 2023
MBBS 1st Year Admission Merit & Waiting List 2023
Usually all types of competitive exam questions are given through our website. Because the number of contestants is more according to the number of seats in the competitive examination, the question is made a bit difficult. Moreover, when students go to the test center and answer the question, they forget a lot of things.
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In that case after the end of the test they can look at the answers and be sure how many questions they have been able to answer correctly and how many of them will be wrong. Therefore, in order to give them assurance, our website is regularly providing solutions to various questions and even today for this exam MBBS first year admissions for the admissions test held at 10 am to provide the exact answers to the admissions for all medical colleges across the country. Is accepted and many students participate in each center.
The total number of seats in all the government medical colleges in Bangladesh is 4350 and in contrast to these seats more than one lakh students from all over the country participate. After the HSC exams of the students are completed on the 30th of December, they start preparing for this and many of them start preparing even earlier. When the exams are finally over, they start final preparations and after the admission notification is published, they get the opportunity to apply online from 28th February to 10th March.
Medical Admission Question Solve 2023 (এইমাত্র প্রকাশিত
As this admission test is being conducted simultaneously all over the country, it will be possible for the students to participate in this admission test through an application and the application fee for this has been fixed at Rs. Eventually the test was held on the 1st of April and the test was completed by completing the test all over the country simultaneously.
Students are given multiple choice questions of 100 marks in this test and within these multiple choice questions are given 30 marks from Biology, 25 marks from Chemistry, 20 marks from Physics, 15 marks from English and 10 marks from History and Liberation War of Bangladesh.
Students try to give the maximum amount of correct answers according to their preparation and when they come out of the test center they want to know the answer to the correct question.
MBBS Admission MCQ Question Solution 2023 (প্রকাশিত)
Multiple choice questions of 100 marks are provided but students who get 40 marks will be able to place in the merit list and those who get higher marks than them will be at the top of the merit list.
You can be sure by looking at the solution of his question and for this our website has provided the exact solution of all the questions on all the topics. If you see a solution to a question and you think there is a problem somewhere, you can let us know in the comment box of our website.